
Sonntag, 7. März 2010

Das Oscar™-Trinkspiel

Nette Idee, die jeder nutzen kann der nachts um 3.30 wach ist! O.o

... when anybody foreign takes the stage and apologizes for their English. If this includes the phrase "not so good," take two drinks.

.. when the orchestra tries to play somebody off (this happens often, so keep your swallows dainty). Two sips if the winner pulls a Julia Roberts and refuses to leave the stage.

... at all uncomfortable jokes made by hosts Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin about their own creepy personal lives. If they manage to catch former Best Actress winner Kim Basinger reacting, make 'er a double.

... when the president of the Academy comes out to make his boring speech. Pace yourself, this could be awhile.

... whenever a presenter is speaking and the producer does a cutaway to his/her ex.

... whenever there's a montage. (Except for "In Memoriam" tribute to everybody in Hollywood who died this year. Have some respect, you animals.)

... any and all things related to Betty White. Why would they discuss Betty White? We don't know. It's the year of Betty White. Drink, you fools.

... any and all shots of Jack Nicholson wearing sunglasses indoors.

... you know when the Ernst & Young accountants who tabulate the vote come out and stand awkwardly on the stage for 10 minutes and everybody's like, "BOO, bring out an Affleck!" Drink then. Drink deeply.

... two drinks for swears. Three drinks for swears that don't get bleeped in time.


Samstag, 31. Mai 2008


This morning, I had to deal with one of our HR secretaries, and it was déjà vu.

When I first started to work for this place I was in HR. I had passed my interviews and was doing paperwork as part of the hiring process. The HR secretary and I had the following conversation:

Her: Can I have the phone number of the consulting company where you worked for the past 6 years?
Me: I was self employed. I am the owner and sole employee of the consulting company and I would be happy to answer any questions you have.
Her: No, I need to call to verify!
Me: ...But you'll just be calling me.
Her: I have to call — what's the number?
Me: The number of the office is [my cell number].
(note: I'm standing 2 feet directly in front of her. She dials the phone and I answer.)
Her: Hello — this is Paula from Initrode Global, calling in reference to Snoofle's employment.
Me (both into the cell phone and to her): I know, I'm standing right in front of you.
Her (into the phone): Could you please verify the dates of Snoofle's employment at VirtuDyne, Intelligenuity and Initech?
Me (reading from my résumé that is laying on her desk in front of her): VirtuDyne: a1 to b1, Intelligenuity: a2 to b2, and Initech: a3 to b3.
Her: Great, thank you! *click*
Me (directly to her): ...Did you not notice that you were talking to me right here in front of you?
Her: I know, but I have to call to check these things.

At this point I walked away, wondering if the rest of the company would be just as WTF-y.


Samstag, 24. Mai 2008

The 7 Most Annoying People On Digg

Lustiger Artikel über digg.com

7.The Powerusers (Diggitus Eliteus)
6. Refreshers (Diggitus Obsessi)
5. The “Old” Police (Diggitus Geezerus)
4. The Article Snobs (Diggitus Notgonnadiggit)
3. Obama Lovers and Hillary Haters (Diggitus Changeusa)
2. The 4chan Rejects (Diggitus Anonymus)
1. The Flaming Complainers (Diggitus Getthefuckouticus)


Samstag, 17. Mai 2008

Michael Jackson will sich mit ThePirateBay anlegen

Micheal Jackson and several other artists plan to take on The Pirate Bay. The king of pop hired the infamous ‘Web Sheriff’ to protect his rights. “Hey Michael - do you want us to pay you in small kids maybe?” was the first response of Pirate Bay admin Brokep.


Again, Brokep disagrees, he sees The Pirate Bay as Sweden’s true ambassadors. “All over digg.com and other cool social networks there is always the comment “last place on earth with true freedom is Sweden” or ‘I really want to move to Sweden’,” he wrote a few months ago.


Montag, 31. März 2008

Think - Design - Sell

Auf wired.com gibts einen schönen Artikel über Online-Möbeldesign und Verkauf. Auszug:

Jeffrey Wegesin is a furniture maker. His most popular creation is a curvaceous side table, and even though he has sold only two copies of it, he has already turned a profit. He did it without so much as setting foot in a wood shop. And he is not alone.

Son bisschen kann ich auch designen. Das scheint ja evtl. was für die Zukunft zu sein.

Wegesin, a Web designer, sells the tables through the site for $250, not including shipping. He then pays Ponoko $124 for each table to cover the cost of materials and cutting fees. The $252 he's brought in so far may not be much, but because he incurred no up-front costs it comes as pure profit.

Fraglich ist natürlich wer für meinen Schrott Geld bezahlen wird. Aber diese Plastik-Kinderstühle gibts ja auch überall und das Design ist nicht sonderlich Einfallsreich.

Thousands are launching instant businesses. Zazzle, of Redwood City, California, offers a dizzying array of user-designed products from posters to tennis shoes. StyleShake, a custom-clothing site in London, received 25,000 dress designs in its first three months. Spreadshirt, founded in Leipzig, Germany, hosts 500,000 individual T-shirt shops.

Einen Spreadshirt-Shop wollte ich auch schon immer haben. Wusste gar nicht dass die in Leipzig sitzen. Hab noch sehr tolle Designs hier rumliegen. Wenn das die Zukunft des Einkaufens ist, bin ich dabei.


Freitag, 28. März 2008

Lost: Eine ziemlich schlüssige Erklärung

Unten steht ein Link auf dem sehr detailliert die Zeitabläufe von LOST erklärt werden. Ich hab's nicht zu Ende gelesen, aber das scheint alles gut durchdacht zu sein. ich schreib mal nichts weiter, will niemandem den Spaß verderben.


Mittwoch, 26. März 2008

Rick Astley redet das erste Mal über 'Rick Rolls'

He halts, aiming the speaker toward the building across the street. “This is a song by some dead guy,” he says. And then, music booms forth:

“Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.”

It’s an anti-Scientology protest, and across the street, a dozen or so warmly dressed young people begin to dance and sing along, waving their picket signs in rhythm to the familiar tune.


“I think it’s just one of those odd things where something gets picked up and people run with it,” Astley said. “But that’s what brilliant about the Internet.”

Saying he thought "Anonymous" Rickrolling Scientology was "hilarious"


Der gute Mann scheint ja einen netten Humor zu haben. Ich empfehle die Kurzdokumentation The Power of Rick Astley.

Dienstag, 25. März 2008

Der 4.000 tote GI

Zum Irakkrieg gibt es ja eigentlich nicht mehr viel zu sagen. Ziemlich schiefgegangen was? :-D

Zwei Interessante Fakten:

Cheney findet, dass die 4.000 ja selbst schuld sind, da sie sich freiwillig gemeldet haben und überhaupt scheint ihn die Meinung des Neu-Britonischen Volkes nicht sonderlich zu interessieren.

97% aller Soldaten starben nach dem "Ende" des Krieges.

The chaotic and brutal conflict which is now in its sixth year has also wounded more than 29,000 American soldiers, according to icasualties.org.

At least 97 percent of the deaths occurred after US President George W. Bush announced the end of "major combat" in Iraq on May 1, 2003, as the military became caught between a raging anti-American insurgency and brutal sectarian strife unleashed since the toppling of Saddam.

140 American servicemembers died before May 1, 2003, out of a total 4,000.


Mann wächst abgeschnitterer Finger nach

Imagine re-growing a severed fingertip, or creating an organ in the lab that can be transplanted into a patient without risk of rejection. It sounds like science fiction, but it's not. It's the burgeoning field of regenerative medicine, in which scientists are learning to harness the body's own power to regenerate itself, with astonishing results. Correspondent Wyatt Andrews brings you to the scientific frontier.
Three years ago, Lee Spievack sliced off the tip of his finger in the propeller of a hobby shop airplane.

What happened next, Andrews reports, propelled him into the future of medicine. Spievack's brother, Alan, a medical research scientist, sent him a special powder and told him to sprinkle it on the wound.

"I powdered it on until it was covered," Spievack recalled.

To his astonishment, every bit of his fingertip grew back.

"Your finger grew back," Andrews asked Spievack, "flesh, blood, vessels and nail?"

"Four weeks," he answered.


Mittwoch, 19. März 2008

Durch Schlafstörung in den 'hack-mode' und zurück

Durch Google und die Wikipedia ist mittlerweile jeder Hobbyhypochonder. Nasenbluten bedeutet Blutkrebs. Zucken am Hals ist definitiv das Vorzeichen eines bevorstehenden Schlaganfalls. Zum Glück sind wir Menschen ja eine recht faule Art und gehen selbst wenn diese Todesprophezeiungen eintreten, nicht zum Arzt. Ich habe für mich u.a. Restless-Legs und Insomnie entdeckt, wobei beides tatsächlich auftritt.

Heute war auf lifehacker.com der schöne Artikel 'Turn Insomnia into a Productivity Boost' zu lesen. Ich bin begeistert. Wer auch immer 'Chad Perrin' ist, er hat eine wundervolle Beschreibung für etwas gefunden, dass ich schon lange praktiziere:

...I wonder why it was such a productive night. As I think about it, I remember that my experience in years past mirrors the stereotype: geeks that stay up all night hacking away at something that totally consumes their attention at the time, producing far more in a couple nights' work than your average professional does in a month....

Dieser Zen-artige Zustand, der totalen Fokussierung eines Problems nennt sich wohl 'hack-mode'. (Diesen Begriff finde ich ziemlich zum Kotzen, da er sich auf einen viel zu kleinen Bereich konzentriert.) Weiter heißt es:

Focus. One reason why IT pros don’t always do so well in social situations is that they have the power to concentrate intently on one problem to the exclusion of everything else. (No, honey, I wasn’t ignoring you — I actually didn’t hear you, even though you were standing right beside me and speaking clearly. I might have even said “uh huh,” but that was just a 202 response.) We geeks need to maximize this ability in order to be effective. We can’t allow ourselves to be interrupted for “just a minute” to answer a question. The instant we break concentration, the entire problem that we were modeling in our head drops on the floor and shatters into a million pieces. This is why you shouldn’t answer the phone, e-mail, or chat during these periods.

Was hat das jetzt alles miteinander zu tun?

Wenn man zwischen Sonnenunter- und aufgang, alleine in der Dunkelheit, in einem Raum sitzt, fällt es wesentlich leichter sich in eben diesen 'hack-mode' (Sry, aber da muss definitiv ein neuer Name her) zu versetzten. Keiner kommt rein und will so uninteressante Dinge a la "Wie findest du meine Schuhe?" wissen. Alle schlafen. Man ist nicht gezwungen irgendetwas im TV zu sehen, da alle anderen es ja auch nicht sehen und man morgen nicht dezent Nachrichten oder schlimmeres verbal umschiffen muss. Laute Musik darf aus Rücksicht auf Nachbarn oder Mitbewohner nicht angestellt werden. Die Umwelt zwingt zum intensiven Umgang mit dem Problem.

Es ist vollkommen egal wann ich ins Bett gehe. Es kann 22.00 Uhr oder 5:30 Uhr sein. Ich liege im Bett und mein Verstand läuft Amok. Wirres Gedankengarn fliegt durch den Raum und bildet Geschichten, schreibt kleine Drehbücher, entwickelt eine alternatives Kalendersystem oder versucht Aerodynamik auf einen 5 dimensionalen Raum auszubreiten. Dabei kommt natürlich nie etwas vernünftiges raus, da wenn ich das Licht anschalte, das gesamte Ideenkonstrukt durch den neuen starken Reiz zusammenbricht. Es bleibt nichts über als soviel mentale Browserfenster zu öffnen bis das Gehirn abstürzt und einschläft. Die Tragödie ist nun, dass der Speicher (ich verweile kurz in der Metapher) durch den Absturz geleert wurde und ich morgens eben keinen Zugriff mehr auf diese Ideen habe. Die Schlaflosigkeit und der 'hack-mode' *bäääääh* scheinen sich gegenseitig zu bedingen. Ohne das Eine funktioniert das Andere nicht.

Ein schönes Argument für den Einsatz von Nachtschichten bei kreativen Arbeiten.

Dinge die ich in solchen Nachtschichten gebastelt hab:

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Das Oscar™-Trinkspiel
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