Sonntag, 7. März 2010

Das Oscar™-Trinkspiel

Nette Idee, die jeder nutzen kann der nachts um 3.30 wach ist! O.o

... when anybody foreign takes the stage and apologizes for their English. If this includes the phrase "not so good," take two drinks.

.. when the orchestra tries to play somebody off (this happens often, so keep your swallows dainty). Two sips if the winner pulls a Julia Roberts and refuses to leave the stage.

... at all uncomfortable jokes made by hosts Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin about their own creepy personal lives. If they manage to catch former Best Actress winner Kim Basinger reacting, make 'er a double.

... when the president of the Academy comes out to make his boring speech. Pace yourself, this could be awhile.

... whenever a presenter is speaking and the producer does a cutaway to his/her ex.

... whenever there's a montage. (Except for "In Memoriam" tribute to everybody in Hollywood who died this year. Have some respect, you animals.)

... any and all things related to Betty White. Why would they discuss Betty White? We don't know. It's the year of Betty White. Drink, you fools.

... any and all shots of Jack Nicholson wearing sunglasses indoors.

... you know when the Ernst & Young accountants who tabulate the vote come out and stand awkwardly on the stage for 10 minutes and everybody's like, "BOO, bring out an Affleck!" Drink then. Drink deeply.

... two drinks for swears. Three drinks for swears that don't get bleeped in time.


Conan O'Brien stalkt eine Unbekannte

Conans Nachricht bei Twitter "I've decided to follow someone at random. She likes peanut butter and gummy dinosaurs. Sarah Killen, your life is about to change."

Deutsches Pokertunier in Berlin LIVE beraubt


und lustig ^^

Awaiting Participants

Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, benutzt die Swedische Armee diesen Test für ihre Nachwuchsoffiziere. Es ist nicht schwer und es ist nicht spannend, aber unheimlich fesselnd.


Der Blog-eigene Raum:

Freitag, 13. Juni 2008

R. Kelly freigesprochen

Grade lese ich auf folgendes:

Der amerikanische R&B-Sänger R. Kelly ist in einem Kinderpornografie-Prozess freigesprochen worden. Wie die Zeitung „Chicago Sun-Times“ in ihrer Onlineausgabe berichtet, befanden die Geschworenen eines Gerichts in Chicago (US-Bundesstaat Illinois), dass der 41 Jahre alte Sänger in allen Punkten der Anklage unschuldig sei. Kelly war vorgeworfen worden, vor rund zehn Jahren Sex mit einem damals 13-jährigen Mädchen gehabt und dies gefilmt zu haben. Als Beweisstück diente eine Videoaufzeichnung. Sowohl Kelly als auch die inzwischen erwachsene Frau hatten jedoch bestritten, die in dem Sexvideo gezeigten Personen zu sein.

Die Alte hat ihn angeklagt, es gibt ein Video davon und trotzdem wird er freigesprochen? Da war wohl mal wieder die Chewbacca-Defense erfolgreich.

Sonntag, 1. Juni 2008

Why every guy should buy their girlfriend Wii Fit.

Samstag, 31. Mai 2008


This morning, I had to deal with one of our HR secretaries, and it was déjà vu.

When I first started to work for this place I was in HR. I had passed my interviews and was doing paperwork as part of the hiring process. The HR secretary and I had the following conversation:

Her: Can I have the phone number of the consulting company where you worked for the past 6 years?
Me: I was self employed. I am the owner and sole employee of the consulting company and I would be happy to answer any questions you have.
Her: No, I need to call to verify!
Me: ...But you'll just be calling me.
Her: I have to call — what's the number?
Me: The number of the office is [my cell number].
(note: I'm standing 2 feet directly in front of her. She dials the phone and I answer.)
Her: Hello — this is Paula from Initrode Global, calling in reference to Snoofle's employment.
Me (both into the cell phone and to her): I know, I'm standing right in front of you.
Her (into the phone): Could you please verify the dates of Snoofle's employment at VirtuDyne, Intelligenuity and Initech?
Me (reading from my résumé that is laying on her desk in front of her): VirtuDyne: a1 to b1, Intelligenuity: a2 to b2, and Initech: a3 to b3.
Her: Great, thank you! *click*
Me (directly to her): ...Did you not notice that you were talking to me right here in front of you?
Her: I know, but I have to call to check these things.

At this point I walked away, wondering if the rest of the company would be just as WTF-y.


Sonntag, 25. Mai 2008

Zu geil - I Think he can dance

Der Typ ist der Oberhammer!!!

Samstag, 24. Mai 2008

The 7 Most Annoying People On Digg

Lustiger Artikel über

7.The Powerusers (Diggitus Eliteus)
6. Refreshers (Diggitus Obsessi)
5. The “Old” Police (Diggitus Geezerus)
4. The Article Snobs (Diggitus Notgonnadiggit)
3. Obama Lovers and Hillary Haters (Diggitus Changeusa)
2. The 4chan Rejects (Diggitus Anonymus)
1. The Flaming Complainers (Diggitus Getthefuckouticus)


Samstag, 17. Mai 2008

Michael Jackson will sich mit ThePirateBay anlegen

Micheal Jackson and several other artists plan to take on The Pirate Bay. The king of pop hired the infamous ‘Web Sheriff’ to protect his rights. “Hey Michael - do you want us to pay you in small kids maybe?” was the first response of Pirate Bay admin Brokep.


Again, Brokep disagrees, he sees The Pirate Bay as Sweden’s true ambassadors. “All over and other cool social networks there is always the comment “last place on earth with true freedom is Sweden” or ‘I really want to move to Sweden’,” he wrote a few months ago.


Eine Millionen Views?!?

Dieses Video hat fast 1.000.000(!!!) Views.... WARUM?!?

West Virgina - The place to be

Obama Faces Racism in West Virginia - Click here for funny video clips

Sonntag, 11. Mai 2008

Wie man einen funktionierenden Poker-Bot programmiert...

Several years ago, a client asked me to come up with a prototype for a real-money online poker bot. That's right: a piece of software you park on your computer while it goes out to a site like PokerStars or Full Tilt and plays no-limit Holdem for you, at 4 or 14 different tables, for real-money stakes.

If you're a poker player, and particularly if you're an online poker player, you've probably heard rumors about the rise of the poker bots. Unfortunately there's very little hard information out there (for obvious reasons) about how to build one of these bots. In fact, many so-called authorities still dismiss poker bots as a relic of the overactive poker player's imagination.

Well, I'm here to tell you that online poker bots are 100% real, and I know this because I've built one. And if I can build one, well. Anybody can build one. What's more, over the course of this multi-part article, I'll show you how.


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t4cghcif - 28. Aug, 09:45
Das Oscar™-Trinkspiel
Nette Idee, die jeder nutzen kann der nachts um 3.30...
Vionics - 7. Mär, 01:31
Conan O'Brien stalkt...
Conans Nachricht bei Twitter "I've decided to follow...
Vionics - 7. Mär, 01:23
Awaiting Participants
Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, benutzt die Swedische...
Vionics - 7. Mär, 01:16
Deutsches Pokertunier...
Kommentarlos und lustig ^^
Vionics - 7. Mär, 01:08




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