Dienstag, 25. März 2008

Der 4.000 tote GI

Zum Irakkrieg gibt es ja eigentlich nicht mehr viel zu sagen. Ziemlich schiefgegangen was? :-D

Zwei Interessante Fakten:

Cheney findet, dass die 4.000 ja selbst schuld sind, da sie sich freiwillig gemeldet haben und überhaupt scheint ihn die Meinung des Neu-Britonischen Volkes nicht sonderlich zu interessieren.

97% aller Soldaten starben nach dem "Ende" des Krieges.

The chaotic and brutal conflict which is now in its sixth year has also wounded more than 29,000 American soldiers, according to icasualties.org.

At least 97 percent of the deaths occurred after US President George W. Bush announced the end of "major combat" in Iraq on May 1, 2003, as the military became caught between a raging anti-American insurgency and brutal sectarian strife unleashed since the toppling of Saddam.

140 American servicemembers died before May 1, 2003, out of a total 4,000.


Mann wächst abgeschnitterer Finger nach

Imagine re-growing a severed fingertip, or creating an organ in the lab that can be transplanted into a patient without risk of rejection. It sounds like science fiction, but it's not. It's the burgeoning field of regenerative medicine, in which scientists are learning to harness the body's own power to regenerate itself, with astonishing results. Correspondent Wyatt Andrews brings you to the scientific frontier.
Three years ago, Lee Spievack sliced off the tip of his finger in the propeller of a hobby shop airplane.

What happened next, Andrews reports, propelled him into the future of medicine. Spievack's brother, Alan, a medical research scientist, sent him a special powder and told him to sprinkle it on the wound.

"I powdered it on until it was covered," Spievack recalled.

To his astonishment, every bit of his fingertip grew back.

"Your finger grew back," Andrews asked Spievack, "flesh, blood, vessels and nail?"

"Four weeks," he answered.


Alle SouthPark Folgen kostenlos und legal im Netz

Irgendwie hab ich das Gefühl, dass ich schon mal was ähnliches geschrieben hab, aber trotzdem geb ich hier nochmal den Link. Schaden kann es ja nicht. Sehr nette Aktion von den South Park machern


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