Das große Chanology 10.02.08 Video-Update + Bilder

PROTESTERS in masks demonstrated outside the Church of Scientology's Adelaide headquarters yesterday afternoon.

The three-hour rally was part of an international campaign against the church and coincided with similar events interstate and overseas.

An internet-driven group called Anonymous was behind yesterday's protest, which has taken down a Scientology website after declaring war on the church.

Anonymous, whose membership included hackers, has begun a "third wave" of attacks in the week-old operation dubbed Project Chanology, according to reports on News.com.au

About 150 people in masks gathered in Victoria Square before marching on the church's Waymouth St office, where they were met by security officers guarding the building.

Curtains were drawn across the windows of the office and the protest was ignored by those inside.

Adelaide rally organiser David, who would not give his last name, said the group wanted to warn people Scientology was a dangerous cult.

"They charge money to go up levels in the church and they use psychological abuse to keep people reined in," he said.

He said people were hiding their faces because the church was known to harass people who opposed it.

Protesters carried banners and placards denouncing the church and distributed leaflets to passersby.

A statement from the church says Anonymous is a "group of cyber-terrorists" who hack into websites.

"Anonymous is perpetrating religious hate crimes against Churches of Scientology and individual Scientologists for no other reason than religious bigotry," the statement says.


Die Russische Nationalhymne im Hintergrund ist der Bringer!

Channel 7 über den Raid in Adelaide

Der Remix zum oberen Video

Presseerklärung 09.02.08

Ankündigung zum 10.02.08

Eins der Hunderten Videos auf YouTube von Adelaide

10.02.08 Melbourne

10.02.08 Brüssel

10.02.08 In West Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground is where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool
And all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys, who were up to no good
Started makin' trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
And said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.

10.02.08 in Bosten (+Rickroll)

Schon vom 02.02.08, aber mal im TOP-Bildzeitungspodcast *lololol*
Und die STIMME *lololol*

10.02.08 in Winnipeg

10.02.08 in London

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Bilder und Fotos hochladen

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Bilder und Fotos hochladen

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Das die Deutschen mal wieder nichts auf die Reihe kriegen, war ja klar, aber z.B. in London werden wohl beim nächsten Raid am 15.3.08 noch wesentlich mehr Leute auftauchen.
Zingtoh - 11. Feb, 11:03

thx für das wundervolle update, die Videos, guck ich aber erst zu Hause, bin noch auf Arbeit ;)

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