Sonntag, 3. Februar 2008

Clevere Werbung

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Nützliche Firefox Plugins

Tab Scope erstellt ein Echtzeit (!) eine Vorschau, sobald man mit dem Cursor über den Tab gleitet. In der Vorschau kann mit dem Mausrad gescrollt werden und die Links bleiben klickbar.
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FishEyeTabs - Je mehr Tabs geöffnet werden, desto kleiner werden sie, bis kein einziger mehr eindeutig erkennbar ist. FishEyeTabs verlängert den Tab auf dem die Maus steht und ermöglicht so auch bei über 20 Tabs die Übersicht zu behalten.
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Reload Every aktualisiert den Tab, oder das Fenster nach ein eingestellten Zeit (z.B. alle 5 Sekunden). Praktisch, wenn man auf eine Mail wartet und nicht ständig F5 drücken möchte, oder Reply's in einem Forum überprüft.
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De-Wörterbuch ist für alle Rechtschreibidioten eine sinnvolle Ergänzung. Es hat zwar kleine Schwächen, beherrscht dafür den Großteil der Rechtschreibregeln. Alternative Rechtschreibungen inklusive. Zur Not können Wörter auch hinzugefügt werden.
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Das teuerste Nummernschild der Welt (Video)

Lieder nur ein Link, da die Eltern von CNN nichts von teilen hielten.


Filmschnitte und ihr Einfluss auf das Gedächtnis

When we watch a movie, we're usually not conscious of the cuts made by the editor. The camera angle may change dozens of times during a scene, and we follow along as if the flashing from one viewpoint to another wasn't at all unusual. You might think this is just because we've been accustomed to watching TV and movies, but researchers have found that even people who've never seen a motion picture have no difficulty following along with the cuts and different camera angles in a video.

There was no significant difference in the results for a static camera versus a moving camera, but viewers were significantly less accurate when they saw an abrupt cut in the movie. This decrease in accuracy was almost entirely found at the point in the movie immediately following the cut, suggesting quite strongly that the cut itself momentarily disoriented viewers. So although the perceptual system can handle cuts in a movie presentation, those cuts do have some cost.

I do wonder if the costs would be as evident in a longer scene. One reason movie editors like to make a lot of cuts is because it maintains visual interest. Perhaps at some point viewers would lose interest in a scene without cuts, and their memory for such a scene would actually be worse than a scene with cuts.


Dr. Kawashima verzichtet auf 22 Millionen Dollar

Dr. Kawashima, bekannt aus dem gleichnamigen Gameboy-Spiel, ist eine reale Person und er verzichtet freiwillig (!) auf die ihm zustehenden 22 Millionen Dollar. 17 Millionen mal wurde 'Brain Age' seit dem Release verkauft.

"Not a single yen has gone in my pocket,"
"Everyone in my family is mad at me but I tell them that if they want money, go out and earn it."

Obwohl er das Geld nicht für sich benutzt, hat er ein 300 Millionen Yen (ca. 3 Millionen Dollar) Labor bauen lassen. Sein Karmakonto wird sich bis zum Lebensende wohl nicht aufbrauchen.


Ratschlag für Anonymous

Sehr nettes Video; im selben Stil gehalten

Pentagon: Das Internet ist ein feindliches System

The Pentagon's Information Operations Roadmap is blunt about the fact that an internet, with the potential for free speech, is in direct opposition to their goals. The internet needs to be dealt with as if it were an enemy "weapons system".

From the Information Operation Roadmap:
"Enhanced IO [information operations] capabilities for the warfighter, including: ... A robust offensive suite of capabilities to include full-range electronic and computer network attack..." [emphasis mine] - 7

It should come as no surprise that the Pentagon would aggressively attack the "information highway" in their attempt to achieve dominance in information warfare. Donald Rumsfeld's involvement in the Project for a New American Century sheds more light on the need and desire to control information.


"It is now commonly understood that information and other new technologies... are creating a dynamic that may threaten America's ability to exercise its dominant military power."

Das denkt, das "Project for a New American Century" also über das Internet.


Der Mann, der das 'g' erfand

Spurius Carvilius Ruga (possibly 230 BC) was a freedman living in Rome who allegedly invented the letter G. His invention would have been quickly adopted in the Roman Republic because the letter C was, at the time, confusingly used both for the /k/ and /g/ sounds. Ruga was also the first man in recorded history to open a private elementary school.

Plutarch is our only source for the second invention, and Quintus Terentius Scaurus confirms the first one in De Orthographia. The letter G was already in use before 230 BC; Wilhelm Paul Corssen theorized in Über Aussprache that what Plutarch really meant was that Ruga's elementary school was the first place to assign the C and G to their current phonemes of /k/ and /g/. G was imported from the Greek zeta, which stood for quite a different sound, and usually confused with C and Z. This is the reason G is in the middle of the alphabet rather than at the end; at whatever point the confusion was stamped out, probably Ruga's doing, it replaced the Z used in the Old Italic alphabet.

Ohne Spurius Carvilius Ruga würde nichts grooven oder geil sein! Zu diesem Mann gibt es ausserdem keinen deutschen Wikipedia-Artikel.


Wiedervereinigung von 'The Greatful Dead'

The Grateful Dead, the San Francisco cult rock band that has played at political events since the 1960s, will reunite on Monday for the first time in four years to rally support for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, a spokesman said on Friday.

The band gained fame with its free-form psychedelic music when the counterculture movement flourished in San Francisco in the 1960s, and they attracted many loyal fans who came to be known as "Deadheads."


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