Köpfe von Scientology (David Miscavige und Heber Jentzsch) arbeiteten für die CIA

From: JLeusner@OrlandoSentinel.com
To: jya@pipeline.com
Subject: RE: crowley list
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 14:22:30 -0400

thanks for the response.

but i don't know if just posting my comments is a complete remedy.
it still allows for FALSE, libelous info to be posted about my
good name. and that crazy list can get me killed if i go overseas
and do reporting or teaching!

i would request my name either be pulled off the list -- or if you
guys want to keep it posted, change the preface on the list to say
these are AFIO members, journalists, whatever and not CIA SOURCES.
i'm amazed there hasn't been more of a controversy with media folks
over this.

thanks again.

jim leusner


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