Das FBI zensiert Blogger

Yesterday, I mentioned the blog post I saw which was repeatedly censored by an IP address owned by the Department of Homeland security. This morning, I got an email from Rob, the author, saying that he’d been taken an involuntary trip to his local FBI building where he was held and interrogated for six hours!

Apparently, I actually did upset a few people with some of the information I posted. This resulted in an involuntary trip to the local FBI offices.

So from what I gathered in our conversation (if you can call it that - it was a bit one-sided), a couple of things set them off. They’ve got some tracking software sorting through everything out there, looking for certain keywords. If it picks up a keyword, you get put on a list and monitored. I got flagged the first time as a result of my post on Canada placing the US on its terror watch list. Among other things, mention of Guantanamo, Afghanistan, torture, and terrorism set the software off.

But standing up for your rights on paper is one thing; it’s a different story when they come knocking on your door and give you the opportunity to do it in person. A word of caution: this shit is real. Do what you can to stay off of that list, man.

Ziemlich traurig was das FBI da abzieht. Zum Glück leben wir in einem relativ demokratischen Land.


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