Amerika - Wir machen seit 50 Jahren Diktatoren

Ein sehr schöner und nicht zu langer Artikel über den muslimischen Extremismus, kognitive Dissonanz und warum die USA an allem Schuld ist. ;-)

Does the US ’spread democracy’ or are we really the terrorists? Well, to put it simply - we are terrorists. If you are like most people, this statement is probably making you move your mouse to click to another webpage. Don’t, this post is your Wake Up Call. How could the United States of America, you ask, be terrorists? We help other countries, and are nothing like the Saddam Husseins or Bin Ladens of the world, right?

If you are still reading let me just say - you are completely wrong. Sorry. I know congnitive dissonance is going to push your mind to deny what I am saying, but press on my friend, press on! On the other side of the curtain is Knowledge. If everyone in America realized what I am about to show you, we might have a chance of changing things.


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