Rick Astley redet das erste Mal über 'Rick Rolls'

He halts, aiming the speaker toward the building across the street. “This is a song by some dead guy,” he says. And then, music booms forth:

“Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.”

It’s an anti-Scientology protest, and across the street, a dozen or so warmly dressed young people begin to dance and sing along, waving their picket signs in rhythm to the familiar tune.


“I think it’s just one of those odd things where something gets picked up and people run with it,” Astley said. “But that’s what brilliant about the Internet.”

Saying he thought "Anonymous" Rickrolling Scientology was "hilarious"


Der gute Mann scheint ja einen netten Humor zu haben. Ich empfehle die Kurzdokumentation The Power of Rick Astley.
Zingtoh - 27. Mär, 10:55

ok den Artikel kannte ich schon, aber dass du die Leute jetzt Duckrollst ist unter aller Sau!!! *lacht* I´d rather be Rickrolled!

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