Project Chanology Operation Co$-Play

Montag, 11. Februar 2008

'Anonymous' bringt Anti-Scientology auf die Strraße

"Anonymous" now has a bunch of faces to go without its name. The loosely bound group of net activists who've got a beef with the Church of Scientology showed up Sunday at the church's largest Los Angeles' locations. The protests were part of a global day of demonstrations against Scientology. Hordes of masked, costumed (and mostly young) picketers showed up in Boston, New York, Toronto, the U.K., Australia and a dozen other locations (thanks wikinews).

Many of the Los Angeles picketers wore the Guy Fawkes masks made popular in the movie "V for Vendetta," and it seemed like every other person was recording the event with a digital camera, camcorder or cellphone.

The protests were peaceful and colorful, with music and chanting (often: "Religion is free -- No Pay Per View" -- a reference to an alleged tiered system whereby the religion's adherents must pay money to gain spiritual clarity). A near constant stream of horn honks provided the background noise as cars passed the Scientology center on Sunset Boulevard and continued as the mob moved to the so-called Celebrity Center on Hollywood Boulevard. At least one ambulance and several fire department vehicles honked as they passed.

Security personnel, some wielding video cameras, were stationed at every entrance to the Sunset Boulevard center. Most wore impassive expressions and, when spoken to (or in some cases, danced with) by rollicking protesters, would betray no more than the wryest of grins.

Protesters were quick to hand leaflets to any cars that slowed or stopped for red lights -- and many drivers freely accepted them.

"Ask a Christian about the Bible; you will be answered," read one leaflet. "Ask a Scientologist about their text: You will be answered -- after your check clears."

A Fawkes-masked spokesman for Anonymous, who wouldn't give his name but whom several protesters identified as the organizer of the L.A. event, explained one of the group's concrete goals.Img_0121

"We want set off a government investigation into how they got tax-exempt status," said the man, who said he was in his early 20s.

The protesters Sunday looked mostly young, white and computer-oriented -- few had anything like a serious tan -- but among the group were other more established anti-Scientogy elements, such as investigative journalist Mark Ebner, Mark Bunker from Xenu TV, and several people who identified themselves as former Scientologists.

Asked to explain the sudden groundswell of opposition to Scientology, Lynn Fountain Campbell, who said she'd been part of the church for 40 years, said, "It's just reached a critical mass. People just aren't scared anymore."

"They try to make people shut up," Campbell added, "and I'm not the shutting up type."


Das große Chanology 10.02.08 Video-Update + Bilder

PROTESTERS in masks demonstrated outside the Church of Scientology's Adelaide headquarters yesterday afternoon.

The three-hour rally was part of an international campaign against the church and coincided with similar events interstate and overseas.

An internet-driven group called Anonymous was behind yesterday's protest, which has taken down a Scientology website after declaring war on the church.

Anonymous, whose membership included hackers, has begun a "third wave" of attacks in the week-old operation dubbed Project Chanology, according to reports on

About 150 people in masks gathered in Victoria Square before marching on the church's Waymouth St office, where they were met by security officers guarding the building.

Curtains were drawn across the windows of the office and the protest was ignored by those inside.

Adelaide rally organiser David, who would not give his last name, said the group wanted to warn people Scientology was a dangerous cult.

"They charge money to go up levels in the church and they use psychological abuse to keep people reined in," he said.

He said people were hiding their faces because the church was known to harass people who opposed it.

Protesters carried banners and placards denouncing the church and distributed leaflets to passersby.

A statement from the church says Anonymous is a "group of cyber-terrorists" who hack into websites.

"Anonymous is perpetrating religious hate crimes against Churches of Scientology and individual Scientologists for no other reason than religious bigotry," the statement says.


Die Russische Nationalhymne im Hintergrund ist der Bringer!

Channel 7 über den Raid in Adelaide

Der Remix zum oberen Video

Presseerklärung 09.02.08

Ankündigung zum 10.02.08

Eins der Hunderten Videos auf YouTube von Adelaide

10.02.08 Melbourne

10.02.08 Brüssel

10.02.08 In West Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground is where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool
And all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys, who were up to no good
Started makin' trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
And said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.

10.02.08 in Bosten (+Rickroll)

Schon vom 02.02.08, aber mal im TOP-Bildzeitungspodcast *lololol*
Und die STIMME *lololol*

10.02.08 in Winnipeg

10.02.08 in London

Bilder und Fotos hochladen

Bilder und Fotos hochladen

Bilder und Fotos hochladen

Bilder und Fotos hochladen

Bilder und Fotos hochladen

Bilder und Fotos hochladen

Bilder und Fotos hochladen

Bilder und Fotos hochladen

Bilder und Fotos hochladen

Bilder und Fotos hochladen

Bilder und Fotos hochladen

Bilder und Fotos hochladen


Das die Deutschen mal wieder nichts auf die Reihe kriegen, war ja klar, aber z.B. in London werden wohl beim nächsten Raid am 15.3.08 noch wesentlich mehr Leute auftauchen.

Samstag, 9. Februar 2008

Die Passion 'Anonymous'

These are unfriendly times to be a Scientologist. In December, Germany's Interior Ministry moved to ban the organization, which has tax-exempt religious status in the United States. In January, St. Martin's Press published Andrew Morton's salacious unauthorized biography of Tom Cruise, which describes the star as its de facto second in command. The church responded with a 15-page statement, calling the book "a bigoted, defamatory assault replete with lies" and saying Cruise "is a Scientology parishioner and holds no official or unofficial position in the Church hierarchy." Jenna Hill Miscavige, a niece of church leader David Miscavige who left the fold in 2005, this week came out in support of Morton and slammed the organization for, among other things, its practice of "disconnection--essentially severing contact with family members seen as hostile to the group.

Now, a loose-knit consortium of hackers and activists calling itself "Anonymous" has declared "war" on the organization. In a creepy YouTube clip addressed to the "leaders of Scientology," a robotic voice announces "with the leakage of your latest propaganda video into mainstream circulation, the extent of your malign influence over those who trust you as leaders has been made clear to us. Anonymous has therefore decided that your organization should be destroyed." (The clip has been viewed more than 2 million times since it was posted Jan. 21.)


The church did not return multiple phone calls this week but did issue a statement to NEWSWEEK in which it calls Anonymous "a group of cyber-terrorists ... perpetrating religious hate crimes against Churches of Scientology and individual Scientologists for no reason other than religious bigotry."


Last week a suspicious white powder was mailed to several church locations in Southern California, and the FBI is investigating whether the mailings are connected to previous hacking. On its Web site and in the local press, Anonymous has denied sending the powder. Bunker, unaffiliated with the group himself, says he has received nearly 6,000 e-mails, largely supportive, from people claiming to belong to Anonymous.


In any event, Anonymous says it won't give up without a fight--something the church has proven itself more than happy to provide.

Cyber-Terroristen? Fuck Yeah :-D

Dienstag, 5. Februar 2008

NBC11 und Buzz berichten über Chanology

Hackers who launched a massive online attack against the Church of Scientology are now turning to real-world protests to draw attention to what they call a "vast moneymaking scheme under the guise of 'religion."'

The loosely organized group of hackers, who meet up and coordinate attacks through Internet Relay Chat channels, have set Feb. 10 for a wave of protests at Scientology locations worldwide.


Als Zusatz gibts den Podcast von cnet. Irgendwie ist die Moderatorin beunruhigend sympathisch :-D


Sonntag, 3. Februar 2008

Ratschlag für Anonymous

Sehr nettes Video; im selben Stil gehalten

Samstag, 2. Februar 2008

Chez Pazienza: Anonymous hat schon gewonnen

That said, as a fan of The X Files I love a good conspiracy theory, which means that the recent antics of the shadowy entity known only as "Anonymous" have admittedly piqued my interest.

The question some are asking though is whether Anonymous has crossed the line -- whether, in its battle to expose Scientology, it's engaging in the same kind of underhanded tactics it accuses the church of. The founder of one popular anti-Scientology website, Operation Clambake, has already criticized the group's supposed skulduggery, claiming that it'll only put Scientologists in a position to play the religious persecution card.

Maybe, but honestly -- who cares?

If the Scientology people knew who to file a lawsuit against, you can bet it would've already happened.

That's why it's so much fun that they're left chasing shadows.


Dienstag, 29. Januar 2008

Demonstrationen gegen Scientology in Deutschland (10.02.08)

Im Anonymous Video wurde ja angesprochen, dass am 10.02.08 etwas großes stattfinden soll. Es sind Demonstrationen gegen Scientology geplant. Auch wenn die Krautchanner es wohl nicht so gerne sehen, poste ich mal die Threads in denen über regionale Demonstrationen nachgedacht wird.

Für Flyer bitte HIER gucken.

Ich erinnere mich daran, dass auch in Berlin etwas geplant ist, aber ich finde den Link nicht. Einfach mal bei den Krauts melden. 'Anonymous' heißt dort übrigens 'Bernd'.

Die 'Anonymous'-V Masken gibt es übrigens HIER für 6,90€

Fragen etc. in die Kommentare :-)

Drittes Video von Anonymous

Dieses Video wurde unter einem anderen Account gepostet, aber sonst scheinen alle merkmale übereinzustimmen. Enjoy.

Montag, 28. Januar 2008

Hupen gegen Scientology

Dieser Raid ist wirklich fantastisch.

Officer says the reason she was called: "They feel threatened by having us in front of their building." Win.

Some girl yells (while driving by): "Go Anonymous Go!" Go indeed.

Some woman yells: "Your god is in the volcano."

Neue Pressemitteilung der Operation Co$-Play

Contrary to the assumptions of the media, Anonymous is not "a group of super hackers". Anonymous is a collective of individuals united by an awareness that someone must do the right thing, that someone must bring light to the darkness, that someone must open the eyes of a public that has slumbered for far too long.

Be very wary of the 10th of February. Anonymous invites you to join us in an act of solidarity. Anonymous invites you to take up the banner of free speech, of human rights, of family and freedom. Join us in protest outside of Scientology centers world wide.

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