Warum ich Facebook nicht benutzen werde - Eine detaillierte Attacke auf Social-Networking-Sites

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Facebook has 59 million users - and 2 million new ones join each week.

What was wrong with the pub?

Doesn't it rather disconnect us, since instead of doing something enjoyable such as talking and eating and dancing and drinking with my friends, I am merely sending them little ungrammatical notes and amusing photos in cyberspace, while chained to my desk?

It also encourages a disturbing competitivness around friendship: it seems that with friends today, quality counts for nothing and quantity is king. The more friends you have, the better you are.

Clearly, Facebook is another uber-capitalist experiment: can you make money out of friendship? Can you create communities free of national boundaries - and then sell Coca-Cola to them?

"You can't have a workers' revolution to take over a bank if the bank is in Vanuatu," he says.

Facebook's privacy policy
  1. We will advertise at you
  2. You can't delete anything
  3. Anyone can glance at your intimate confessions
  4. Our marketing profile of you will be unbeatable
  5. Opting out doesn't mean opting out
  6. The CIA may look at the stuff when they feel like it

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